Machine Learning Training In Gandhinagar

Machine Learning training in gandhinagar
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We provide live project training in gandhinagar

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Students (10th / 12th Pass/fail)
Any Bachelors & Any Graduates
Any professional person.
Housewifes with Gap
Abroad studying students and professionals Candidates are willing to learn something new.

Machine LearningTraining With Placement Assistance in Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad

New Batch Starting on Every Monday call for Admission on 9574180345

Machine Learning training Classes

Overview Of Machine Learning Training Course

Online and Classroom(Offline) classes are provided by Desire Infotech.
Weekdays and Weekends classes are aslo available.
timely updated course syllabus. Added new softwares.
Anyone can learn who is instrested to pursue IT Career.

What is Machine Learning?

Machine Learning or ML is the careful study of computer algorithms that improve over time with the continuous use of data. ML is seen as an crucial part of Artificial Intelligence orAI. As the name suggests, machines (computers) learn patterns in the ever-increasing digital data generated on various platforms and then give results to enhance user experience. These machines need large amounts of data and substantial time as to deliver the correct insights. After that they can then perform without the need for human intervention.

Fully Experienced
Online /Offline Classes
Afordable Fee
Best Trainers

Related Job Roles
1. Machine Learning Engineer
2. Robotics Engineer
3. Natural Language Processing (NLP) Scientist
4. Software Developer
5. Data Scientist
6. Cybersecurity Analyst
7. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineer
Prerequisite for machine learning Course Design Course
• Statistics
• Linear Algebra
• Calculus
• Probability
• Programming Languages

What are the advantages of a machine learning course?
• Learning machine learning brings in better job opportunities
• Machine Learning Engineers earn a hansome pay
• Machine Learning Jobs are rising everyday

Fees & Training Options


Classroom trainng is for those who are students and able to visit office everyday basis or anyone who can come Monday to Friday for 1.5 hours for class. Online sesion would be for 45 minutes everyday. Online training is for those who are working, pregant women, living at far areas, or anyone who is comfortable to jin online. Course syllabus and Fees is the same for both classroom and online training

machine learning Course Syllabus


Section 1: Introduction to ML

  • What is ML?
  • Why ML?
  • Opportunities in ML
  • What is ML models?
  • Why R and Python is popular?

Section 2: ML Model Overview

  • Introduction to ML Model.
  • Data Handling
  • Data Pre-processing
  • Types of ML Model.
  • Supervised and Unsupervised
  • How to test your Data?
  • Cross validation techniques

Section 3: Linear Regression

  • What is Linear Regression?
  • Gradient Descent overview.
  • Gradient Descent Calculations
  • R and Python Overview.
  • How to improve your model?

Section 4: Overfitting

  • Overfitting Overview
  • How to use Linear Regression for Overfitting?
  • How to avoid Overfitting?
  • Bias-Variance Tradeoff.
  • Regularization - Ridge, LASSO
  • ANOVA, F tests overview.
  • What is Logistic Regression?
  • Classification with Logistic Regression.
  • Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
  • Build an end to end model with Logistic Regression using scikit Learn.
  • How to build a model in the Industry?

Section 5: Decision Trees

  • Why Decision Tree?
  • Entropy, Gini Impurity overview
  • Implement Overfitting.
  • How to improve the Decision Tree model without Overfitting?
  • Bagging, Boosting
  • Random Forest
  • AdaBoost, Gradient Boost

Section 6: k-NN

  • Distance based model with kNN.
  • Value of k - overview.

Section 7: Support Vector Machines(SVM)

  • Power of SVM overview.
  • Why SVM?
  • What is Kernel Functions?
  • What are the Kernel Functions available?
  • How to Build an OCR(Optical Character Reader) with the help of SVM and Kernel functions?
  • Neural Networks overview.
  • Why Neural Networks?
  • What is Neural Network Architecture?
  • How to build AND, OR, NOT, XOR, XNOR Logic Gates with Neural Network?
  • What is Forward & Backward Propagation?
  • List of Activation Functions.
  • Vanishing Gradient problem

Section 8: Deep Neural Networks

  • Optimization methods overview.
  • Gradient Descent with Momentum, RMSProp, ADAM.
  • Learning Rate Decay.
  • Xavier Initialization.
  • Introduction to Keras and Tensorflow(TF)
  • Deep Learning in Keras with TensorFlow as the backend

Section 9: Unsupervised Learning

  • Clustering overview
  • k-means Clustering.
  • Hierarchical clustering.

Section 10: PCA

  • Principal Component Analysis(PCA).
  • Maths behind PCA.
  • Engine Recommendation.
  • Content and Collaborative Filtering
  • Market Basket Analysis
  • What is Apriori Rule?

Section 11: Computer Vision

  • Image Detection, Image Classification, Localization.
  • Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN) overview.
  • Strides, Padding methods
  • Convolutional, Padding and Fully Connected layers
  • Sliding Window
  • Edge Detection

Section 12: Advanced Computer Vision

  • YOLO ALgorithm - You Only Look Once
  • Introduction to classical networks like LeNet5
  • IoU
  • Introduction to Natural Language Processing(NLP)
  • Text Preprocessing
  • Lemmatization, Stemming
  • Syntactical Parsing, Entity Parsing
  • Develop a chatbot with the above concepts of NLP and Neural Networks


Training Key Features

Why Desire Infotech is the Best Institute for machine learning in Gandhinagar ?

Gandhinagar is a small town whose population is around 7 to 8 lacks, moreover, Gandhinagar is a planned city in the western Indian state of Gujarat. Gandhinagar is mainly known for its greenery in India. In recent times, mostly state folks moved in owing to more job opportunities in IT and Non-IT sectors in Gandhinagar. Desire Infotech is the oldest institute in Gandhinagar which started in 2011 with a small infrastructure, but with time and consistency, it has grown enormously. It is true that the harder you work, the better results you get. machine design course designed by experts. All modules are covered with examples and live practicals. Machine learning classes starts on every Monday so call for admission on 9574180345.